Today we kick off Mother's Day weekend! While this holiday was meant to celebrate mothers and mothers truly are the foundation of a family, I'm taking this weekend to celebrate all the mamas-to-be. 2023 has been filled with many maternity sessions this year, and I'm SO excited to watch my couples grow their families as they write a new chapter in their love stories.

While parenthood is special, I think it's important to highlight the journey to get there. We don't often take the time to shed light to all the different paths it may take to reach parenthood and while bringing new life into this world is something we've done for as long as humans existed, it always isn't an easy journey. Conception itself can bring it's own challenges and it can bring much heartache and can test your patience. After that bridge is crossed, pregnancy can still be a long journey before your bundle of joy is sweetly resting in your arms and we don't share enough how much of a change it is to adjust to carrying new life and bringing it into this world.

So here's to all the mamas-to-be. I see you. I see all the love and care you bring to the child you carry. You are beautiful, strong and courageous and every step of your pregnancy story is one I hope you will always cherish.

Happy Mother's Day!